IT Services List

Posted on June 19, 2023 by muhammad dwimandha

Create Email

Melayani pembuatan email instansi


Rename Account

Melayani perubahan nama pada akun seperti Email Instansi, Office, ULMS, dan UAIS


Additional Storage

Melayani penambahan storage pada akun Google Drive dan OneDrive


Create Account

Melayani pembuatan akun ULMS, UAIS, dan Office


Reset Password

Melayani perubahan password pada akun Email Instansi, Office, ULMS, dan UAIS


Create Virtual Machine

Melayani pembuatan Virtual Machine


Troubleshoot Application

Melayani permasalahan seputar aplikasi


Troubleshoot Hardware

Melayani permasalahan seputar perangkat keras


Troubleshoot Network

Melayani permasalahan seputar jaringan


Enhancement Application

Melayani peningkatan fitur aplikasi


Development Application

Melayani pengembangan aplikasi


Request Domain

Melayani pengajuan domain


Side Widget
You can put anything you want inside of these side widgets. They are easy to use, and feature the Bootstrap 5 card component!
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